Deputy group leader IS/SB
Responsible for IT/IS systems and SatCom for the contingent in Kosov
Kosovo KS20 was the name of the 20th Swedish contingent in Kosovo
A peacekeeping unit that Sweden sent to Kosovo within the framework of KFOR. The contingent was active from October 2009 to 5 April 2010. Most of the personnel were grouped at Camp Victoria, in Hajvalia outside Pristina.
Battalion Commander: Torkel Nordwall
B-Coy (mechanized company): Christer Mårtensson
NSE: Magnus Svensson
The Kosovo Force (KFOR)
KFOR is a NATO-led international peacekeeping force in Kosovo. Its operations are gradually reducing until Kosovo’s Security Force, established in 2009, becomes self-sufficient
KFOR entered Kosovo on 11 June 1999, one day after the United Nations Security Council adopted the UNSC Resolution 1244. At the time, Kosovo was facing a grave humanitarian crisis, with military forces from Yugoslavia in action against the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in daily engagements. Nearly one million people had fled Kosovo as refugees by that time, and many permanently did not return.
KFOR is gradually transferring responsibilities to the Kosovo Police and other local authorities. Currently, 27 states contribute to the KFOR, with a combined strength of approximately 3,800 military personnel.
The mission was initially called Operation Joint Guardian. In 2004, the codename for the mission was changed to Operation Joint Enterprise
KFOR focuses on building a secure environment and guaranteeing the freedom of movement through all Kosovo territory for all citizens, irrespective of their ethnic origins, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244.
The Contact Group countries have said publicly that KFOR will remain in Kosovo to provide the security necessary to support the final settlement of Kosovo authorities.
KFOR contingents were grouped into five multinational brigades and a lead nation designated for each multinational brigade. All national contingents pursued the same objective to maintain a secure environment in Kosovo.
In August 2005, the North Atlantic Council decided to restructure KFOR, replacing the five existing multinational brigades with five task forces, to allow for greater flexibility with, removing restrictions on the cross-boundary movement of units based in different sectors of Kosovo. Then in February 2010, the Multinational Task Forces became Multinational Battle Groups, and in March 2011, KFOR was restructured again, into just two multinational battlegroups; one based at Camp Bondsteel, and one based at Peja.
In August 2019, the KFOR structure was streamlined. Under the new structure, the former Multinational Battlegroups are reflagged as Regional Commands, with Regional Command-East (RC-E) based at Camp Bondsteel, and Regional Command-West (RC-W) based at Camp Villaggio Italia.
Swedish former camp in Hajvalia
Ajvalija is a village or suburb southeast of Pristina, located 635 meters above sea level. It lies in the municipality of Prishtina. It has approximately 2,300 homes and 7 391 (2011) inhabitants. A small creek begins in the town, while another begins north-east of the town and runs through it. After 1970, right up until now, there has been an increase in population, mainly from newcomers.